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16 years later, they still make my spine tingle… May 30, 2006

Posted by Mick in Music.

I saw Pearl Jam live tonight for the 2nd time in my life.

They played to a PACKED stadium here in Washington DC. Maybe 20,000 people or so.

I wasn't on the floor unfortunately, but the seats were good and the sound was excellent from where we were, directly in front of the stage.

They played a solid set-list. Lots of old favourites (Alive, Animal, Even Flow, Why Go, Leash) and then lots of newbies (Worldwide Suicide, Life Wasted, Inside Job, Come Back) and then a few rarities. The whole setlist should be online tomorrow.

They played a song tonight that I haven't really listened to the lyrics of for a long time.

It seems quite relevant to me at the moment….

Do you see the way that tree bends?
Does it inspire?
Leaning out to catch the sun's rays
A lesson to be applied
Are you getting something out of this all-encompassing trip?

You can spend your time alone, re-digesting past regrets, oh
Or you can come to terms and realize
You're the only one who can't forgive yourself, oh
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense

Have you ideas on how this life ends?
Checked your hands and studied the lines
Have you the belief that the road ahead, ascends off into the light?
Seems that needlessly it's getting harder
To find an approach and a way to live
Are we getting something out of this all-encompassing trip?

You can spend your time alone re-digesting past regrets, oh
Or you can come to terms and realize
You're the only one who cannot forgive yourself, oh
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense

If you can get tickets to see them when they tour past you, do it. They are still very much worth it.

2 hrs and 20 minutes they played for. Not many concerts go for that long any more…

Eddie Vedder, you rock my world.

Memorial Day….in memory…of those that are sent to their death…. May 29, 2006

Posted by Mick in Diary, Food.
1 comment so far

So, it's Memorial Day.

What does that mean?

Similar to ANZAC Day, I am guessing it means that people should remember and honour the people that have fought and died for their country. (It also means that the Indy 500 was on….)
Unsimilar to ANZAC Day I have not seen much in the way of honest to goodness patriotism today.
I must admit, I didn't really do much of anything. I just enjoyed having a three day weekend and not having to go to work.

It has also been stinking hot here, with hints of how sticky the summer is going to be with the humidity. I am not minding it. I love the heat! Really….I do!

I have been eating so much crap though, although today the highlight was a Fajita Pizza from Papa Johns. Damn, that was a good pizza!

I'll have to get down to the gym though. It really can't be good for me….

Well I am over these dogs. I got home this afternoon to find the blind chewed up, the glass table knocked over, which meant that laptop was on the floor. The gate to the kitchen was knocked over. The back door handle was chewed up and there was shit upstairs and all over the back door and floor….


I know…i get myself into these things. It's just a pain in the arse when dogs act so badly!! Only 2 more night…Only 2 more night…

So..like my new style on the blog? 

Riding my bike…..DC style May 25, 2006

Posted by Mick in Diary.

DISCLAIMER: I am not sure if this story is 100% true, but it's what I think happened…and it makes a kick-arse story…

So, after I had smashed by rear bike tyre into a curb on the way home from work yesterday, and dented the shit out of it I had to decide what to do.

I am looking after those 2 dogs for 2 girls who live here (which I must add is on the border of 'The Hood'), and they have a car which is parked on the street, which I have been asked to move from one side to the other when the street cleaning happens (Wednesday/Thursday mornings). So, I had a bunged up bike (my main method of transport around 'The Hood'), and I had keys to a car, and it was 6.15pm, and the bike shop closed at 7.

So of course I jumped in the car and hooned over to Adams Morgan, about 13 blocks away and parked illegally and took my bike in.

They fixed it for $15 which I thought was sweet cause i banged it up pretty bad. It will never be the same, but at least I can ride it and don't have to pay $65 for a new wheel.

Anyway…so…i get home in one piece. My bike is fixed and I decide to jump on it and ride over to Dupont Circle to find something to eat.

I rode around the corner and passed a couple of normal looking guys leaning against the fence and I rode across the street… then suddenly…


Whe the fuck?

It sounded like a shit load of firecrackers going off, but i looked over my shoulder and I saw those 2 guys and I am sure they were shooting guns down the street I had just crossed and then started bolting down the street in the direction of the way I came. I think there were a bunch of guys down the street I had crossed.

I just pedaled faster and pissed off to have dinner….but of course I knew I had to come back….

4 hours later I did make it back, but I'll be looking forward to finished this dogsitting gig because that shit freaked me right out….no matter what that noise was…

There are a lot of sirens around this area, and I mean A LOT. You hear them pretty much every 10 minutes at least. 

But hey…I'm ok. I still walk the dogs, and I still ride in the evening, so I'll be ok, but just have to be aware in this place….. 

Wheels, deal and Ritz. May 21, 2006

Posted by Mick in Diary.
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I just bought a bike. I have spent all weekend looking around town travelling from Maryland to Virginia in a neverending pursuit to find the right bike.

I am a terrible shopper. I procastinate and am so undecisive that more than once I have shopped for 2 or 3 hours and returned home with absolutely nothing.

But I finally got one and I like it
My bike! But mine is black and manly, not red and girly

It's nothing hugely fancy, but it has pretty good components and only cost me $200. It should definitely get me around town!

I am dogsitting a couple of dogs right now that are crazy. One is a basset hound and the other is a dalmation. The basset hound (Scooter) is crazy. He is pretty badly behaved and just loves to get his nose into everything. They are interesting to walk as they each go at their own pace and it's like I am being torn in half.

This weekend has been interesting. Last night I was invited to dinner at the Ritz-Carlton.

By who you ask? Well I have made friends with a graduating Senior (meaning she's in her 4th year) at Georgetown University. We have hung out a few times and she invited me to attend her Seniors Ball and then to her Graduation Dinner at the Ritz-Carlton.

Ok, now check out this menu.

The food was amazing (of course). I had my frist taste of Foie Gras. (Duck's Liver). We always see it on Iron Chef, but I'd never seen it, let alone tasted it. To me, it had the texture of an oyster and it slid down the throat but I quite liked the taste..

I had the $26 chicken. Yeah….good shit.

On the Friday night I attended the Georgetown University Seniors Ball at Union Station. This was huge. There were probably about 5000 people there, and lots and lots of pearls and fancy dresses. I wondered on the night just how many millions of dollars worth of people were there that night. Apparently Donald Trumps son goes to Georgetown University.

So anyway, I've been trying to mix in the good crowds 😉 hehehe.. Nah, just lucky I think.

I also have the chance of moving in with someone just 2 blocks from work.

There is a swiss guy who works for the World Bank and he is after someone to share his studio apartment with him. A studio is only one bedroom, but it is a big area and would fit 2 beds ok. I was thinking that if I put up some sort of screen between us it would work. Anyway, it would be a good place to base myself and leave all of crap (instead of Dougall's) and he has cable TV and wireless internet. He is only asking $300 a month, which is a bargain for that area, even if I am sharing a room.

So basically I am looking to move in there with him probably in the middle of June after I have finished this stint of petsitting. We are going to hang out a bit next week though to see if we get along ok. What do y'all think? Worth it, or not? This guy also travels quite a bit for work,so there's a good chance that I'll get the place to myself now and then as well which is good. I can also keep doing my house/petsitting to be in a place to myself as well.

Anyway, that's my story at the moment. Hope everyone is well.

I am looking to come back to Australia in July for a week or 2, so i will let you all know what's happening when I get closer to the date (and I find a cheapish flight!)

Juicy juicy apple… May 14, 2006

Posted by Mick in Diary, Travelling.
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Hey! I am alive! Really I am!

Look! I’m even typing this right now, so my fingers must be here and my eyes are reading this as I type, so yeah, I’m here!

Ok, so what’s been going on and where have I been?

Life has been a bit hectic. I have now officially lived in Alexandria, Pentagon City, U Street, Dupont, Adams Morgan, Cleveland Park, Brookland. That’s 7 different addresses since I have lived here, and it’ll be 8 from next weekend. I am going ok with it. I don’t mind living in different places, but it can be hard having to transport my belongings around the place all the time.

But in between all this, I…

ANZAC Day Dawn Service in Washington DC

attended the Dawn Service on Anzac Day, and…

My First Baseball game!
went to my first ever baseball game! And….of course…

Cabs Galore

….visited the Biggest City in the World, New York, which, quite simply, kicks arse!

I will write more about my adventures soon, but just wanted to remind you all that I am here, but also remind you that you can always email me! (mickrad@gmail.com). I try and reply as quick as I can!